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What is Comfort?

November 29, 2023
Comfort is something that we often seek in various aspects of our lives. Whether it's the comfort of a cozy home, the...

A Promising Shift in our Thinking: Embracing Health and Wellness

November 24, 2023
Today we’re diving into an interesting and hopeful change in our culture: the exciting shift in America about the topic...

Understanding the Unique Tilt Feature of the Anthros Chair: Enhancing Comfort and Posture

November 22, 2023
For far too long we have paid little attention to the hours we spend sitting all day in cheap office chairs. To make...

Natural Ways to Improve Spondylolisthesis: A Holistic Approach to Healing

November 21, 2023
Spondylolisthesis, commonly referred to as a “slipped disc”, occurs when a vertebra slides forwards over the one below...

Sitting and Its Impact on Spondylolisthesis: What You Should Know

November 18, 2023
Breaking Down Spondylolisthesis Before we explore the impact of sitting on spondylolisthesis, let’s take a minute to...

The Pursuit of the Ultimate Office Chair for Spinal Stenosis Relief

November 15, 2023
When those work hours stretch on, having an office chair that offers comfort and solid support can be a complete...

Comfortable Seating for Piriformis Syndrome: A Guide to the Ideal Office Chair

November 3, 2023
Comfortable sitting is an important priority, particularly for those living with debilitating conditions like...

The Office Chair's Role in Alleviating Neck and Shoulder Pain

November 2, 2023
In today's work culture, many of us spend hours at our desks, often unaware of the toll it takes on our bodies. Neck...

The Hidden Culprit of Shoulder Pain: Desk Height Matters

October 31, 2023
We spend so much time at our desks throughout the workday trying to be as productive as possible. While we often focus...

Office Chair Solutions for Shoulder Pain and Habits to Avoid

October 29, 2023
In today's work culture, many people find themselves struggling with shoulder pain because they simply spend too much...

Sitting Postures and Hip Osteoarthritis: Understanding the Connection

October 26, 2023
Today, we're going to delve into a topic that affects some of us at some point in our lives - hip osteoarthritis. Now,...

Your Comfort, Your Chair: Finding Relief for Your Spondylolisthesis

October 25, 2023
Today, we’re tackling a challenge for those living with the painful condition of spondylolisthesis – the selection of a...

The Silent Signs of Hip Misalignment from Sitting

October 22, 2023
Hip pain can be debilitating, and it’s not always clear what the cause is. When a hip is out of alignment, it can cause...

The Link Between Bad Posture and Shoulder Pain: What You Need to Know

October 20, 2023
Today we are looking into a common concern that affects many office workers: the connection between bad posture and...

A Guide to the Best Office Chair Features for Hip Pain

October 19, 2023
Comfortable sitting is an important priority, particularly for those who sit for work, day after day. The importance...

Leg pain from your office chair? Explaining the pain in the back of your legs.

October 18, 2023
Many of us have experienced that nagging pain in the back of our legs while sitting at our desks, but why does it occur...

Strengthening Your Back: The Top 3 Exercises for Spondylolisthesis

October 16, 2023
If you suffer from spondylolisthesis, we’ve got your back! This condition that affects the alignment of the vertebrae...

Aching Legs: Identifying the Worst Office Chair for Leg Pain

October 6, 2023
Not all office chairs are created equal! And some have features can actually contribute to leg pain rather than...

What is the secret to pain-free sitting?

October 4, 2023
If I asked that question to 100 people, I suspect I would hear: “An ergonomic chair” “A chair with lumbar support” “A...

How To Relieve Buttock Pain In Sitting

September 29, 2023
Many of us have no choice but to sit all day for our work, and it’s a pain in the butt! Literally. Usually, the cause...

Seeking Relief from Spinal Stenosis Without Resorting to Surgery

September 28, 2023
If you're looking to find effective relief for spinal stenosis without undergoing surgery, what specific options and...

A Cure for Piriformis Syndrome?

September 25, 2023
Today, we address a pressing concern that affects many individuals: Piriformis Syndrome. Our focus in this article is...

Slimming Down, Easing Sciatica: The Power of Weight Loss Unveiled!

September 21, 2023
Ah, the quest for shedding those extra pounds. While weight loss can offer a multitude of benefits, you might wonder,...

Is Your Office Chair's Role as Critical to Your Wellness as Your Mattress?

September 20, 2023
Today we're delving into an interesting and essentially uninvestigated question: Is your office chair's role as...

Four Stages of Disc Degeneration

September 19, 2023
From Early Signs to Solutions: A Comprehensive Look at Disc Degeneration Today, we're delving into a topic of critical...

Straightening Out the Truth: Bad Posture's Role in Spinal Stenosis

September 15, 2023
Our focus today centers on posture and its potential to either cause or exacerbate the discomfort associated with...

Optimal Office Chair Design - Debunking Lumbar Support

September 14, 2023
Today, we’re taking on a controversial topic that’s central to the ergonomic office chair discussion; the commonly held...

Our Top 5 Exercises for Degenerative Disc Disease

September 13, 2023
If you’re someone who is active and suffers from disc degeneration, this blog is for you! It’s important to stay...

Sitting Smart: The Best Office Chair for Disc Herniation

September 12, 2023
Today, we're diving into a painful condition that plagues many – disc herniation. If you've been tirelessly searching...

Young and Invincible: The Reality Check on Aging and Ergonomic Office Furniture

September 11, 2023
When we're young—like in our twenties—we're often so caught up in chasing our dreams and getting our adult lives...

Can poor posture increase the risk of disc herniation?

September 4, 2023
Although persistent poor posture isn’t a good look, it can also have serious consequences! We know that poor posture...

How to Prevent Herniated Discs

August 31, 2023
Have you ever heard of someone saying they have a slipped or herniated disc? It's also known as a ruptured disc, and it...

From Slouch to Strain: How Poor Posture Fuels Degenerative Disc Disease

August 28, 2023
Today we’re going to take a closer look at the role poor posture plays in the distressing condition known as...

How to Stretch for Sciatic Nerve Pain- Piriformis Syndrome

August 24, 2023
Piriformis syndrome is a real pain in the buttocks! It’s a condition characterized by pain and discomfort in the...

Sciatica Relief Explained: The Power of Massage Explored!

August 14, 2023
Ah, sciatica—the notorious guest that has overstayed their welcome. If you've been on a quest for relief, you might...

Herniated Discs: The Crucial Role of Posture and Stretching

August 11, 2023
Knowledge is power So let’s dive into learning about how herniated discs occur and practical ways to prevent and...

Is your office chair causing Sciatica?

August 10, 2023
When it comes to sitting for long periods at work, a supportive office chair to promote good posture is essential to...

Leg pain while driving: What is the cause?

June 5, 2023
Driving is a common activity for most of us, but it can also be the cause of leg pain. Leg pain can be one of the most...

Can an office chair change your posture? The secrets to sitting up straight.

June 1, 2023
Poor posture is an epidemic and can worsen over time, causing back, shoulder and neck pain. It’s not too late to...

Level Up Your Gaming Experience with Anthros: Say Goodbye to Shoulder and Wrist Injuries!

May 15, 2023
Hey esports athletes, get ready to level up your battle station with Anthros! In this blog post, we'll explore how poor...

Are Ergonomic Chairs HSA Eligible?

May 12, 2023
What is an HSA? HSA= A Health Savings Account (HSA) is a kind of personal savings account that allows you to save...

3 Tips for avoiding pain during long car trips

May 4, 2023
Summer is upon us, and so are long road trips to go to Disney or take a trip out west to see the National Parks....

5 Signs That You Have Been Sitting Too Long

May 2, 2023
As the world is moving faster than we can imagine, technology is advancing daily, and we are becoming more sedentary,...

5 Ways to Sit as Poorly as Possible

April 24, 2023
Let’s talk about something that everyone does but few people do correctly: sitting. Yes, you heard me right, sitting....

Why back surgery may not be the answer for back pain

April 17, 2023
Back pain is a common condition that affects many people at some point in their lives. In some cases, surgery may be...

The Average Person Will Spend Up To 83% Of Their Life Either Sleeping Or Sitting!

April 13, 2023
As we go through our daily routines, it can be easy to take for granted the amount of time we spend sleeping and...

Lumbar Supports Can Hurt You

April 7, 2023
Lumbar supports are apparatuses that are designed to provide additional support to the lower back region in order to...

Did you know that your office chair could contribute to anxiety?

April 6, 2023
Sitting at a desk for hours on end is a common reality for many of us, and it's no secret that this sedentary lifestyle...

Venous insufficiency

March 29, 2023
Venous insufficiency is a condition in which the veins in the legs are unable to effectively return blood to the heart....

Is sitting causing a pain in your buttocks?

March 28, 2023
Understanding the role of pain receptors, called nociceptors, is crucial to our perception of comfort while sitting....

Spondylolisthesis and Posture

March 27, 2023
Spondylolisthesis is a condition that occurs when one of the vertebrae in the spine slips out of place and onto the...

5 Steps to Avoid Pain on the Plane

March 24, 2023
Flying is a convenient and efficient mode of transportation, but it can be tough on your body, especially if you're...

Hip Pain and Sitting

March 16, 2023
Hip pain can be a common problem for many people, especially those who spend a lot of time sitting. Whether it's at...

Spinal Stenosis: The overlooked cause

March 15, 2023
Can poor posture contribute to spinal stenosis? Spinal stenosis is a condition in which the spaces within your spine...

Lower Back Pain In Sitting

March 10, 2023
Low back pain is a common problem that can be experienced while sitting. It can be caused by a variety of factors,...

Causes of leg pain when sitting

March 9, 2023
Leg pain while sitting is a common experience for many people and one that can impact productivity and focus at work....

How to Prevent Herniated Discs

March 8, 2023
Have you ever heard of spinal disc herniation? It's also known as a ruptured disc, and it happens when the soft center...

Can Poor Posture Increase The Risk Of Disc Degeneration?

March 7, 2023
Disc degeneration is a common condition that occurs when the discs in the spine start to break down and lose their...

9 Surprising Health Risks of Poor Posture

March 3, 2023
Do you slouch at your desk all day or hunch over your phone for hours on end? If so, you might want to pay attention to...

Back Pain - Leading cause of workers comp claims

February 20, 2023
The leading cause of workers’ compensation claims in the US.1 Back injuries are the most common cause of worker’s...

Thoracic Decompression

January 12, 2023
Are you on your way to looking like Quasimodo? We think that not working out enough and sitting too much are the root...

Pain In The Lumbar Spine? Investigate Your Office Chair!

January 10, 2023
Are you sore and fatigued at the end of your workday? Feeling the pain of all those Zoom meetings mimicking the...

Is Your Mesh Office Chair Causing Poor Posture?

January 5, 2023
Hey you… Stand up and take a look at your office chair seat. What material is it made of? Mesh? Leather? Upholstered...

Improve Your Posture: Support The Pelvis

December 22, 2022
The Foundation of Sitting - It’s not Lumbar!!

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